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Joint Collaboration Committee

The Joint Collaboration Committee has members from both Banks Road and William Lilley Governing Boards. 

The Remit for the Joint Collaboration Committee is:

  • To decide whether to collaborate or form joint committee with other schools
  •  To consider requests from other schools to join the collaboration
  •  To leave the collaboration - GB + JCC
  •  To consider the alteration, discontinuation or change of category of maintained schools – all GB’s + JCC
  •  In relation to the operation of the collaboration, to determine and review any temporary staff allowances in line with the schools pay policy
  •  To agree the regularity of and schedule of meeting dates for the JCC
  •  To agree a communication strategy between the JCC, both governing bodies and the stakeholder groups (pupils/parent/staff/LA etc.)
  •  To undertake a half termly review of progress against the Aims and Purpose/agreed success criteria of the collaboration
  •  To issue press statements – Executive head and/or chair of JCC/chair of individual GB’s (depending on subject of press statement)